The concept of 100 BLG
The concept of 100 BLG started in 2019.
100 BLG is a model where people dealing with dementia have responsibilities and live in community with friends and colleagues. The idea is to create 100 places all over Japan.
The concept origin is the day service “DAYS BLG!” (BLG Machida), in Machida City, Tokyo.
Traditionally in long-term care facilities, there is a relationship between people being taken care of and caregivers. But in this concept, people with dementia and the day service staff members work together in the community. Everyone has a role, including washing the demonstrator vehicles of car dealerships, looking after the snack shops for children in the community. In Machida City, their existence is essential to create a dementia-friendly city. Through workshops, they gather their voices, and the vision and solutions of Machida City are conceived.
People with dementia washing cars as paid volunteers at an automobile dealer, this is one of the symbolic activities that have influenced the Japanese long-term care insurance system.
The representative of BLG Machida, Takayuki Maeda (In the left), and a person with dementia (right). In BLG, people using this place are called members because they are positioned as friends who work together
Workshop to think about the vision of the town held in Machida City. The voice of people concerned about dementia is reflected in the policies and vision making.
It is planned to build 100 places like this all over Japan in the following five years. We are recruiting people or groups that want to generate places like this by themselves. We are conducting training and teach the methodology to put it into practice. The training will be conducted intensively for half a year. It is very different from the idea of “giving care,” Many people can’t comprehend this initially. However, as they learn the fundamental notion and repeat practice and review, they will acquire the methodology that makes the essence of this concept’s living. As of March 2021, it has been created BLG in 11 areas. In each region (Including those in preparation for actions), activities have begun where people living with dementia communicate with their own words and contribute to the community through what they can do.
The places where BLG is active, there are 11 locations currently. The goal is to create a living location where people from all over Japan diagnosed with dementia can go within their range.
Nowadays, there is a need to create dementia-friendly communities all over the world. As a first step, we believe that it is essential to develop a foundation for people living with dementia to gather in a comfortable environment and connect with local people. By having this base, people with dementia can speak out, making possible community development and administrative measures based on people’s perspectives.
Author’s profile
Takehito Tokuda
100BLG Co., Ltd. Director CFO
After working for the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (TV Programs Director) and the NPO Dementia Friendship Club, he conducts collaborative projects with local governments and companies on incumbent dementia and aging society.
One hundred dots are gathered to form the letters, including our hopes to create 100 places in all Japan.